Friday, July 22, 2011

The Agricultural View
July 2011 by Ralph D. Coffman


July 4 Thomas Jefferson
started learning at an early age and never stopped – he loved learning!
At 5, he began studying under his cousin’s tutor.
At 9, he studied Latin, Greek and French.
At 14 his father, his mentor and the hardest working man he had ever known, died suddenly.
At 16, he entered the College of William and Mary.
At 19, he studied Law for 5 years under George Wythe.
At 23, he owned his own law practice.
At 25, he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
At 33 he wrote the Declaration of Independence (see page 5). It was initially called Jefferson’s Manifesto of Freedom. Whenever he struggled while writing the divinely inspired document he would play classical music on his violin to reformat (refocus), and calm, his mind.
He died at age 83 (July 4) on the 50th anniversary of the Document’s signing.
Thomas Jefferson Quotes:
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes - a principle which if acted on, would save one-half the wars of the world.”


Alta’s Passions
I like to be frugal when possible, may I suggest basic homemade cleaning products. Dishwashing Detergent – mix 1 cup of borax, 1 cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of table salt, 2 packets of unsweetened lemon Kool-Aid. Use one tablespoon each load. Basic Glass Cleaner: mix ½ cup of white vinegar with 2/3 gallon of water. Use a spray bottle and dry the glass with crumpled newspaper.


Mercer’s Gems
1816 The Year Without A Summer
If you think that the weather of 2011 is strange how about 1816, the year without a summer? The winter of 1816 was the usual very cold and snowy winter. Spring seemed late with ice and snow still around in April. When the weather did finally break, farmers planted their crops only to find May so cold that all of the emerging new crops were destroyed. June 6th had one of the largest snow falls of 1816 with 10 inches of snow in the New England states. (USDA Bulletin #425 Chronological Landmarks in American Agriculture) There were killing frosts everymonth during the summer. Snow started in early October and stayed on the ground until April 1817. The northern hemisphere of the world was most affected with the New England States and Europe hardest hit. The cause of this unseasonable weather was a volcanic eruption in Indonesia on Mount Tambora in 1815. Some

"25 Cubic Miles" of volcanic dust was thrown into the atmosphere. This dust circled the earth and reflected sunlight back into space ("The Year Without A Summer" Scientific America, June 1979, Henry and Elizabeth Stommel). Hopefully, this would not happen again but we never know for sure.
Currently, we have the lowest Food Reserves in U.S. history and very few families have gardens, store food or can. If another 1816 occurs, how would most Americans react? Doug

Jersey and Guernsey cows are poor converters of precursors (Vitamin A), therefore, their milk is more yellow in color – higher in butterfat content.


Agricultural Education/FFA Teachers Born in Morgan County - those who have taught for at least a few months: Fred Abel, Larry Best, Rob Bob Brokaw, Gary Cook, William Cordray, Jack Devett, Jim Dougan, Riley Dougan, Dale Glass, Lewis Huck, Carlton Jenkins, Fred Kennard, Ray Keppler, Frank Leeper, William Massey, D. C. (Curt) McInturf, Melinda McKay (Witten), Doug Mercer, George Newborn, Howard Racin, Ralph Sawyer, Jeff Shaner, Roger Smith, John Starling, John Worthington. Please notify me of any corrections. Note: Add to the Washington County list of the May issue of the View: Harry Cogswell and Ralph Stout. 3

A Glance Back by Hugh Coffman
A majority of settlers from 1788-1790 in Washington County were farmers.
Farmers built flatboats to float their surplus farm produce down the Ohio River to Cincinnati and even New Orleans.
By 1820 hard times prevailed for farmers as there was a low demand for their produce.


Newborn Calves - have all 4 ruminant stomach compartments, however, only the abomasum is developed at birth. The milk is able to get to the abomasum through an oesophageal/esophageal groove which connects the esophagus to the abomasum. The other compartments will begin to develop when the calves receive rumen protozoa and bacteria (bugs) which they get from eating in locations (pan, feed trough, grass) where developed ruminants have eaten. These animals leave saliva containing the needed bugs where they have eaten which help activate the calves’ stomachs.


Marietta FFA Presidents:
1944 - Harry Cogswell, 1945 - Dean Zimmer,
1946 - Eugene Biehl, and in 1947 - Ralph Coffman (Ralph Sawyer’s 1st year).
Do any of you know who attended Ohio FFA Camp (Leesville Lake and current site) anytime from 1944-47 or before?

Thomas Jefferson - following is a record, taken from John Adam’s journal, of a conversation the committee (John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman) had concerning who should actually write the Declaration of Independence.

Jefferson immediately proposed that John Adams should prepare the initial draft. John Adams described what happened as follows: “Jefferson proposed to me to make the draft. I said: I will not. You should do it.”
Jefferson: “Oh, no! Why will you not? You ought to do it.”
Adams: “I will not!”
Jefferson: “Why?”
Adams: “Reasons enough.”
Jefferson: “What can be your reasons?” Adams: “Reason first – you are a Virginian, and a Virginian ought to appear at the head of this business. Reason second – “I am obnoxious, suspected, and unpopular. You are very much otherwise. Reason third – You can write ten times better that I can.”
Jefferson: “Well, if you are decided, I will do as well as I can.”

Side Note: Notice who points out Adam’s weaknesses – it’s Adams. Can you imagine today’s politicians being willing to do that?

It takes 4-5 lbs. of water to make 1 lb. of milk.

Teenage Corner
Of your own volition, and with a dictionary close by, read good works. Also play, or listen to, classical music.


SB5 / Budget
(Information I did not know concerning Ohio’s 8 Billion Dollar Budget Disaster). 1. Since 1977 Ohio has gone from a top 10 state with the best or lowest tax burden, to now in the bottom ten of the worst or highest tax burden states. 2. 2008-2011 Medicaid averaged a 9% annual growth. 3. Since 1990 Ohio has had a 41% growth in government. 4. Budget in Ohio: 52% - Health and Human Services, 24% - Primary & Secondary Education, 8.2% Higher Education, 7.1% - General Government, 6.2% - Justice and Public Protection, .3% - Environment and Natural Resources. 5. 3 million people in Ohio either work for, or depend upon, government - leaving the remaining 74% to pay for it. Public employees (teachers, firemen, policemen) in Ohio make 24.6% more than their private sector counterparts (with comparable education, experience, and position). Private sector workers have to work 45 years to receive the same total pay and benefits that public employees receive in 30 years. Some balance has to occur. What are each of us willing to give up for our children and grandchildren’s sake?

July (2011 Insert Page) The View

The advertisers in this issue support The Agricultural View and the promotion of agriculture, however, they may not necessarily agree with every point of view within the newsletter.


Farm Market & Greenhouses


Support your local FFA Chapter by becoming a member of the FFA Alumni
Ohio FFA Alumni Association
Contact :
$15 annual $150 lifetime

What luck for rulers that men do not think! Adolf Hitler


National Farmers
Maximum Marketing
Contact: Scott Upton 740-517-2577
Getting down to
Register today!
Washington State Community College


From the Editor’s Desk
I love America and the freedoms that we currently still enjoy. I hope you enjoy the patriotic emphasis in this issue. I have great concern for our state and federal debt disasters, and the plight of our farmers! Maybe your business, family or organization could sponsor a thank-a-farmer day. The View is intended to be brief, informative and thought provoking. Any mistakes are all mine. See the blog site for past issues: B

Great Book for Sale $10.00
“The Stories of Cowboy Bob O’Dell”
(From the Coal Fields to the Cranberry – Hatfield-McCoy, Local Sports Heroes)
Call 304-489-9234 or 304-615-2445
or write to
Cowboy Bob O’Dell
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Newton Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Contact us:
Phone: 740-423-5000
Toll Free: 888-266-2603
1710 Washington Blvd. Suite A
Belpre, Ohio 45714


Rumination (chewing their cud) in cattle begins about one hour after eating. It continues for about 45 minutes. Feed is regurgitated and chewed again. Saliva is added and the feed is swallowed again. This process is repeated until the feed is digested enough to pass through the reticulum (also a screening device). Cattle have 6-8 rumination periods per day.

TDN – total digestible nutrients - the amount of energy in a feedstuff.


Scott Hart 35 Ray Harr Road
Owner Beverly, OH 45715
Rainbow c 740-350-2047
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Restoration * Cleaning f 740-984-0424
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24 Hour Emergency Response
Deodorization Insurance claims from start to finish Carpet, upholstery & drapery cleaning
3M Scotchgard™ treatment
Pet stain & odor removal
Tile, grout & hard-surface cleaning ----------------------------------------------------------

Global Warming - Business and Farmers
The global warming tidal wave, lead by Al Gore, seems to have more holes surfacing. As always business and farmers seem to be climbing up the cause list. Why do they tend to select shorter periods of time to make their cases? Why, if you go back 3,000 years using the ocean sediment core, do we have basically the same temperature? Why do humans keep getting blamed for increased C02 when they contribute 2% with 98% of it coming from natural causes? Another concern for me is that a select few will make billions of dollars – the rest of us just pay!

Dan and Cindy Schott 5503 State Route 821 Whipple, Ohio 45788
740-585-2121 General Mechanic Work Truck Transmission and Rear Ends
4WD Parts and Repair


Edgell-Jackson Trucking, LLC
370 Gravel Bank Road Marietta, Ohio 45750
“Serving the USA Since 1977”
53’ Vans and Flatbeds Available
Operations Manager: TJ Edgell
Dispatch: Rick Pierce (740-374-2040)
Safety Director: Jo Ann Frame ----------------------------------------------------------
80% of the nutritional value of hay is in the leaves.

Gay Activists and California Schools
After suffering setbacks with voters on legalizing gay marriage in California, gay activists are now moving closer to victory in the classroom. Under pending legislation, it would mandate history lessons about gays and transgender Americans be taught.

The EPA, Oil, and Milk? It took the EPA over 30 years to remove milk (yes, milk!) from the Oil Spill Prevention and Control rule saving the dairy industry more than $140 million per year.

Homeowner / Farmowner
Moble Home / Renters Insurance
Washington County Farmers Mutual Insurance Association
Rita Wentz - Manager 740-373-5548
435 Third Street Marietta, Ohio


Ed Long AAMS*
Financial Advisor
Edward Jones
468 Pike Street Marietta, Ohio 45750

---------------------------------------------------------- Reminder: In extreme heat and humidity cattle need extra energy to help get rid of the excess body heat – increase fat 2-3% in the ration to help balance production.


America’s debt now stands at $46,000 for every man, woman, and child. Greece’s current debt stands at $45,000 per man, woman, and child - look at their chaos! We’re slightly worse off than Greece for Heaven’s sake - to think that congress is currently discussing raising the debt again! Why is cutting spending never an option?


For past issues scroll down and click on past posts - Ralph - have a great day!

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